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Avatar based teaching and learning

Mit unserer Open Source Software zum avatarbasierten Lehren und Lernen in Virtual Reality ermöglichen wir es Studierenden und Dozierenden raumunabhängig unter Nutzung von Avataren miteinander zu kommunizieren, zu lehren und lernen und unterschiedlichste Lehr- und Lernszenarien zu nutzen.

Avatar based

Teaching and Learning

What is MyScore?

In the context of the current pandemic, the limitations of face-to-face teaching, as well as those of hybrid approaches such as blended learning, have also become apparent at many German universities. The greatest disadvantage resulted from the location-dependency of these concepts. The widespread use of videoconferencing software and systems bridges the distances that the Corona crisis has put between teachers and students, but these approaches have their own limitations. The multi-faceted nature of face-to-face teaching cannot be fully represented by such applications, as the two-dimensionality of collaborative interaction cannot represent the true complexity and exchange in traditional teaching situations. Even outside the current global pandemic, especially with regard to international collaborations, the question arises as to what the future of digital teaching looks like and how it can promote exchange between learners and teachers even without presence.

Intensification of interaction between students

3D based teaching and learning from any location

Promotion and increased attractiveness of interaction between teachers and learners

Increased motivation to learn and an immersive learning experience

Support and improvement of situational communication skills

No travel costs, no travel time and a significantly reduced carbon footprint


Comenius EduMedia Siegel 2021

Avatar-based Teaching and Meeting in Virtual reality

AVRiL 2024 – Gelungene VR/AR-Lernszenarien

Evaluation of the complementary use of virtual hands-on training in university teaching

Latest activities

Final thesis VR Wurm river basin

As part of a final thesis on hydrology, a graduate integrated various media data into a VR environment, which can also provide students with a valuable learning experience. New approaches to using 2D and 3D data in immersive interaction were used.

DIVR Science Award

We were nominated for this year's DIVR Science Award, which serves as a platform for networking and recognizing innovative university projects and players in the areas of virtual and augmented reality. As part of the associated DIVR Award Expo, we had the opportunity to present our software to visitors and to explain the specific use cases in a lecture and to gain valuable contacts.

VR laboratory testing

After visiting the physical laboratories of the WZL, we carried out the virtual metrological laboratories with students from GUtech. This made it possible to obtain valuable data and provide students with a practical comparison between real and virtual laboratory scenarios, enriching the learning process and providing deeper insights into measurement concepts.
Keine weiteren Einträge gefunden

Final thesis VR Wurm river basin

As part of a final thesis on hydrology, a graduate integrated various media data into a VR environment, which can also provide students with a valuable learning experience. New approaches to using 2D and 3D data in immersive interaction were used.


Jahr Autor(en) Titel URL
Chandra, R. et al.
Comparison of Open-Source Networking Libraries for Unity Engine in Higher Education
Chandra, R. et al.
Utilizing Virtual Reality in Higher Education Marketing through Open-Source and Open-Educational Software
Berkaoui, D. et al.
MyScore – Avatar-Based Teaching and Learning


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Zitierhinweis: Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heribert Nacken, RWTH Aachen University


Sämtlicher Quellcode, der im Zusammenhang mit der MyScore Anwendung steht wird unter der GNU General Public License V3 lizensiert. Für mehr Informationen siehe

