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MyScore - Avatar-based teaching and learning

With our open source software for avatar-based teaching and learning in virtual reality, we enable students and lecturers to communicate with each other, teach and learn using avatars and to use a wide variety of teaching and learning scenarios, regardless of the location.

What is MyScore?

With our open source software, we enable students and lecturers to work together in 3D scenarios using avatars, regardless of their location.
This enables us to provide practical and immersive learning experiences that increase the transfer of skills in different settings.
We offer you the software as an open source solution; all scenarios are available as Open Educational Resources in the sense of UNESCO under a CC BY 4.0 license and we also provide you with the necessary Internet server service free of charge.

Intensification of interaction between students

3D based teaching and learning from any location

Promotion and increased attractiveness of interaction between teachers and learners

Increased motivation to learn and an immersive learning experience

Support and improvement of situational communication skills

No travel costs, no travel time and a significantly reduced carbon footprint


Comenius EduMedia Siegel 2021

Avatar-based Teaching and Meeting in Virtual reality

AVRiL 2024 – Gelungene VR/AR-Lernszenarien

Evaluation of the complementary use of virtual hands-on training in university teaching

VR Scenarios

We use the Learning Experience Design (LXD) approach to create effective, engaging and user-centered learning environments. For avatar-based VR learning, we combine approaches from constructivism and use the teaching methods of problem-based and cooperative learning. In this way, we want to enable a deep understanding of the needs, abilities, motivations and contexts of our students.
We do not focus on the transfer of knowledge, but on how our students experience the content, process it and apply it in their own living and learning environment. We want our students' learning to be effective by making it cognitively stimulating and emotionally motivating.
In the LXD, we fundamentally combine didactic, pedagogical and technical aspects. These scenarios are then jointly developed, implemented and tested.
Overall, we expect this approach to provide our students with an individual learning experience that will lead to increased motivation and commitment. We also want to promote self-directed learning and thus optimize the transfer of knowledge.

Latest activities

VR/AR Learning Days 2025

Wir freuen uns, an den VR/AR Learning Days teilzunehmen! Am Dienstag, den 25.02.2025, öffnen wir von 14:00 bis 15:15 Uhr unsere digitalen und analogen Türen, um über die Entwicklung von VR-Inhalten für die Hochschullehre zu sprechen. Weitere Infos finden Sie auf der Veranstaltungsseite: Zoom-Link für den Werkstattreport (14:00-14:30 Uhr):

2. uniVERSEty Netzwerkkonferenz

We were guests at the second uniVERSEty network conference in Erfurt. It was a great pleasure for us to be able to present our role-playing game in MyScore there. We were also able to talk to many colleagues about the technical and design-related requirements of modern VR learning applications. Thank you for the opportunity, there were many great ideas and impulses.


We were visited by a group of 20 professors, lecturers, and researchers from three Ghanaian universities – the University of Ghana, the University of Energy and Natural Resources, and the University of Environment and Sustainable Development – at the Department of Engineering Hydrology at RWTH Aachen. The visit took place within the framework of the Erasmus+ co-funded project "Impression."


Jahr Autor(en) Titel URL
Querl, P et al.
Does Self-Paced Learning in Mobile Flood Protection Unit Construction in Virtual Reality Have Advantages Over Traditional Measures?
Chandra, R. et al.
Creating Realistic Human Avatars for Social Virtual Environments Using Photographic Inputs
Querl, P. et al.
Evaluation of the complementary use of virtual hands-on training in university teaching
Chandra, R. et al.
Comparison of Open-Source Networking Libraries for Unity Engine in Higher Education
Chandra, R. et al.
Utilizing Virtual Reality in Higher Education Marketing through Open-Source and Open-Educational Software
Berkaoui, D. et al.
MyScore – Avatar-Based Teaching and Learning


Under the following links you can download and install MyScore free of charge.


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Zitierhinweis: Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heribert Nacken, RWTH Aachen University


Sämtlicher Quellcode, der im Zusammenhang mit der MyScore Anwendung steht wird unter der GNU General Public License V3 lizensiert. Für mehr Informationen siehe

